Bored of the similar designs on ‘genuine leather’ quality bags in the market? We understand, because most of them end with just the browns, blacks or reds. So we’ve got you all the deets on Chiaroscuro’s first atelier store in Vasant Kunj where you can try, see, touch and feel the bags you see on its online stores and more!
Tired Of Tacky & Boring Leather Bags? Personalize Your Own At This Vasant Kunj studio!
Hand-crafted And Heart-felt
We know how much you love your gadgets, accessories, stashing loose cash, all those bills and those pockets in the bags somehow never seem to be enough. Chiaroscuro’s studio comes to our rescue where you we go and personalize a bag from their range of designs with some extra functionality as per our needs. Want zips here and there, pockets that seem deep enough to hoard all you wants, textures ranging from smooth or ribbed, and all of this in a whole variety of colours to choose from! So whatever be your style - vintage, modern or classic - get them all here in great genuine leather.
If you're not too sure what to choose, all you’ve got to do is just sit with their in-house team and describe your requirements to get suggestions for the right bag of your style. If there’s a friend who’s too finicky about their requirements, you could even get them one of these genuine leather bags personalized unlike anywhere else, without costing a bomb. You know they’ll be thanking you for a long time and remember every time they carry it along.
What’s even better is that Chiaroscuro bags are single-artisan made with all the skills and love of one artisan being poured into your freshly hand-stitched bag.
So, We’re Saying…
We love how Chiaroscuro bags are classic, functional and handcrafted. Our suggestion is that you also check out their totes, backpacks and other handbags at the warehouse because you’ll want to take them home immediately.