Malviya Nagar central market is flooded with various shops and eateries, Waffle Twist is Cherry on the cake. Waffle twist is a newly opened outlet in Malviya Nagar central market. They got a waffle for every taste with a twist. You can spot this place easily just in the second lane as soon as you enter this busy market.
They got a vast option in Belgium waffle section like Belgium classic, crunchy toffee, and snow White waffle. You can try red velvet waffle and fruity waffle. You can choose from bubble waffle options like bubbly bubble gum or waffle twist with ice cream, jelly bites, chocolate syrup and sprinkles. They got trendy taco waffles to hog on!
Apart from dessert waffle, they got cone waffle, savoury, waffle sandwich, icecreams, shakes and coolers.
So, Waffle Twist is a to go place when you are in Malviya Nagar.
They got a vast option in Belgium waffle section like Belgium classic, crunchy toffee, and snow White waffle. You can try red velvet waffle and fruity waffle. You can choose from bubble waffle options like bubbly bubble gum or waffle twist with ice cream, jelly bites, chocolate syrup and sprinkles. They got trendy taco waffles to hog on!
Apart from dessert waffle, they got cone waffle, savoury, waffle sandwich, icecreams, shakes and coolers.
So, Waffle Twist is a to go place when you are in Malviya Nagar.