Woodstock Sessions with Akhi Roti

Big Brewsky Sunday brunches are worthy enough affairs in Bangalore because of the interesting food and beverages. Adding on to this, they have introduced a new property called “Woodstock” which features different bands thus creating a whole new experience of Food, beverages and Live Music. The artist for the 9th of April is Akhi Roti featuring One Girl Shy Woodstock Sessions : Woodstock - the iconic 4 day festival of Peace and Music, one that changed the history of rock and roll. It was a spark of beauty that touched the soul and changed the rhythm of an entire generation. It's time to relive that freedom, peace, live music and ecstacy. Get nostalgic at Woodstock Session - Big Brewsky, Sarjapur Road, the most gorgeous, timeless setting, sipping on exquisitely crafted cocktails, enjoying a delectably expansive brunch menu, and listening to music that will make you soul sing!

Stationery hoarder, Khaleesi of cats, and secret Sanjay Leela Bhansali superfan. If Ritika's not found adding things she'll never buy to her online shopping carts, she is most likely to be dancing, reading old novels, practicing hand-lettering, or attending one too many comedy shows.