Acres Wild Cheese Factory And Homestay

3 Interested |


What Makes It Awesome

This cozy little place in Coonoor, near Ooty, Tamil Nadu is a little difficult to get to but worth a visit.
Owned and managed by retired Bollywood director Mansoor Khan and his wife, Acres Wild farm stay dishes out organic cheese made of milk their own cows.
The serene and lush green backdrop makes this place a perfect summer weekend getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city.
For more details check out the Acres Wild website - or call Mr Mansoor Khan, who is a wonderful host and regales you with stories of his Bollywood days or delve into a deep discussion about economics.

What Could Be Better

The roads are a little narrow.

How Much Did It Cost

₹1000 - ₹3000

Best To Go With

Family, Bae