Wayanad Vanilla Or Salted Caramel Ice Cream? Art Of Delight Has Them All

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Ahead of the manic intersection that is Brigade Road and Residency Road, below fire-in-my-mouth Nagarjuna, lies this charmingly, intimate dessert café that scoops up the most luscious treats for you, served up in impeccable style.

Must Eat

The Art of Delight takes desserts very seriously, so be prepared for some heavy duty indulgences. Depending on how greedy you are, you could choose to initiate your saccharine adventures with a scoop {or two} of gelato, or like me, go straight for the kill and order something with more sinful proportions.

If it is the former you choose, then prepare to be spoiled by a range of creamy and addictive treats. My top picks — the Salted Caramel to satisfy the quirk in you, Dark Chocolate for a more sophisticated palate, the Strawberry Cheesecake for a really sweet fruity ride, or the Wayanad Vanilla for just some good old fashioned fun. The Wayanad Vanilla in particular, is a remarkable departure from what often gets passed off as vanilla ice-cream, and is oozing with real flavour and hits you with the most tantalising vanilla bean notes with every nibble.

If big is beautiful for you, or sharing is more your style, look no further than the extensive range of totally decadent sundaes. Fruity is my number, so I couldn’t resist the seduction of the Fruit Full House, and it was everything the menu promised and more. Fresh and canned bits of pineapple, peaches, cherries and mango jostled for space with ice-cream, custard and wobbly jelly bits and was topped off with fresh cream. Who said anything about sharing?

There are also a range of sandwiches that sounded tempting enough- but my belly was already wobblier than the jelly I had just consumed.

Must Drink

There is a range of good old-fashioned thick shakes to choose from, and if the creaminess of the desserts is anything to go by, these seem very promising. Our advice: Save your appetite and eat a bit more dessert!

What we loved {Apart From The Food}

The pricing is almost as sweet as the treats! And the setting, especially the cutesy outdoors plays along perfectly well to create a very carefree and totally relaxing vibe.

What Didn’t Impress Us

It’s easy to miss this place from the main road — a bit more branding would help us get to this sweet paradise sooner!


Parking can be a pain in these parts of the town, so cab it down and walk back for a while to work off the cream and candy. There are French Fries on the menu too just in case you want a salty kick between sweet courses.


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