ASEAN-On the Edge

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What Makes It Awesome?

ASEAN-On The Edge are very true to their name as they take you on a Food trip to all the 10 Countries associated i.e Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

How about a meal with the fresh cold breeze bringing life in you, the light of the candle making your eyes shine with happiness, Peace in your mind, love in your heart & the Happy Tummmyy at the end?

Located on the 13th floor of Barton Center at MG Road. That's literally the Heart of the city. You get the blissful view of the city of life and attain peace away from all the traffic, loud horns and all the buzz in the city.

Food is all about the experience and the bliss you find in what you eat. Every place, every dish, every cuisine, every cooking style has its own uniqueness which one had to explore.

Banana Blossom Salad

The soul salad of every Asian meal. A simple & healthy one made of Banana Flower, Herbs, Spinach Leaves, Onions, Chilli, and Lime. Most of us don't like to eat banana flower in any form but I bet this one is surely addictive. Loved the flavour.

Tofu, mushroom & broccoli Satay
Seasoned & Skewered Tofu along with mushroom & broccoli served with the satay sauce. This is very popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand. Another majority winning soulful dish.

Nonya crunchy soft shell crab
Omg! How do I even express how super scrumptious it was. Probably one of the best discovery of the culinary journey. The best part is they are so soft that you need not to worry about the shells, you can just chew it away very easily. And they have a secret ingredient in it which makes it more special! Well! Know about it when you visit the place. *wink*.Hats off to the restaurant owner who found this awesomeness and bought it all the way from Singapore for us to Delish!

Akasaka prawns
Prawns battered & fried to light crispiness and coated with honey Chilli sauce. Served in a classy cocktail glass. Prawns cooked to perfection with the flavours of the sauce indulging into it is perfect bliss.

Malacca curry with Roti Jala
Malacca is a place in Malaysia where a mixture of cultures exists. Roti Jala is a very popular dish during Ramzan. These crispy lacy crepes go very well with the Malacca curry made of light coconut. Very interesting dish with the hidden love from different cultures.

Chiang Mai Risotto
The Marriage of Flavours from the classic Risotto & the Thai/Vietnamese herbs and spices done right. A perfect match made in heaven. Like Literally!

Always a secret fan of Burmese food & this one is pure love. Made of noodles and coconut milk, served with a variety of condiments like the green chilli, golden fried onions, cilantro, shallots, fried garlic lemon. The tanginess of the lemon, sweetness of the Caramelized Onion, the spiciness of the chilli. That's one of its kind! *Drools*

Gai sarong
Finely minced chicken spiced with garlic & wrapped with vermicelli & fried. Looks like meatballs with a yummy sauce over it making it more luscious.

This was just a gist! Their menu is gonna take you on a wonderful journey which is gonna stay in your heart forever!
From Tom yum to Baos to satays to Photo Nasi Goreng to Khaoswe ! This Asia Trippin is never ending!

How Much Did It Cost?

₹5,00 - ₹1,000

Best To Go With?

Bae, Family, Friends

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