Make Avocado-On-Toast Super Quick...Once You Find The Perfect Avocado

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Make It Awesome

Co-founder Dhruv Mathur is on a cooking roll, and is also using the barter system accurately in the modern day to make *drumroll* Avocado Toast! He has skipped the ingredients because even that is a process. So…


1. Call your hipster friend who lives in the area which is your equivalent to a South Bombay and barter your potatoes for avocados.

2. Stare at avocados till they get ripe

3. You'll know they are ripe when they are slightly purple and soft to the touch

4. You will probably get it wrong

5. Repeat the above steps and get another avocado

6. One day you will actually time it right and get an awesome avocado

7. Peel it, and make it into slices

8. Post on instagram

9. Toast some bread

10. Put avocado on top of the toast and smash with a fork

11. Add some salt, red chilli powder + dash of olive oil (as per your taste)

12. Get fancy with some tomato slices, dhania, or even a fried egg

13. Post on instagram

14. Devour

15. Repeat!


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!