This Terracotta Tile Company Takes The Earthy Aesthetic To The Next Level

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What Makes It Awesome

BTC call themselves a one-stop-shop for all terracotta products and they aren’t kidding. The company boasts of an extensive range of designs, patterns and even hues. Pick from cheery yellows to peacock blues, and there’s always the usual typical earthy colours too. Unlike most clay tiles, these are water-resistant and scratch-proof apparently, which makes them as practical as they are pretty. BTC has been responsible for adding that slightly ethnic vibe to coffee chains such as Starbucks and Cafe Coffee Day. So, if you found those cafes aesthetically inspiring, you should drop into their showroom in Sarjapur and check them out.

It’s your chance to get creative as these terracotta tiles are incredibly versatile and can be used as decorative pieces for a wall in your room. Highlight a single wall, accentuate your doors or simply use them as decorative elements in your home, the creative possibilities are endless. There are plenty of options and you will definitely be able to find something that matches whatever budget you had in mind as their prices are quite reasonable — ranging from INR 30 to INR 300 per sq. foot.


They also offer roofing tile services for your home or office buildings. 


A pop culture enthusiast, this LBB Features Writer knows the lyrics to every chart topper since the 90s. Down for a Tarantino film binge any time, she goes on long runs and engages in an above average amount of DIY to feel productive. Loves pizza, hates planking.