DIY Lovers, You Have To Sign Up For This Fun Brush Lettering Workshop!

What's Happening

The Craftsutra, a platform that hosts fun hands-on art experiences, is organising a brush lettering workshop this September. The workshop involves a three-hour session with artist Manya Kumar where you'll be able to learn basic calligraphy strokes with varying intensity, compositions, alphabets, flourishes and a number of blending tips and tricks. 

Love personalising gifts, your notebooks, decor and pretty much everything? This is one workshop that will teach you how to do it well (really well). 

Price Includes

The AI price of INR 1,299 includes the cost of AddGel brush pens, practice papers, a brush lettering workbook and all the basic stationery you'd need to learn everything about expressive lettering. The skills you pick up at this workshop will help you create stunning cards, notebook covers and a lot more. 

So now, bye-bye boring store-bought cards and stationery!

Make A Note

The brush lettering workshop is open to everyone, irrespective of whether you have any background in art or the participant's age. Maybe make it a fun family day and take your kids along too? 


Lover of lists, literature, and long naps. Foodie blessed with a great metabolism, so hogging on all kinds of delicacies {bizarre included} is my favourite pastime.