Corporates, fam jams, and friends: if you're looking for a day out or a family get-together, Club Cabana is a resort that offers a wide range of fun activities, particularly those involving water. This expansive property has been catering to corporates and families for over two decades. You can choose from corporate outings, day trips, family events such as pre-weddings and engagements, and even villa stay options when booking at Club Cabana. However, in our opinion, the day outing packages are particularly worthwhile, especially if you want to spend a day having a great time.
They also offer villa accommodations, with options available for groups of 3 to 10 or more. Villa stays start at INR 4,500 per person for groups of 6 to 10.
Shubham Verma
@Gururaj Rao We recommend you to call and check with them.