Have A (Skin)tillating Face: Make Some Coffee & Oats Face Scrub At Home

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Coffee First

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-2 spoons of ground coffee. I am using Coffee First from Bangalore)-1 spoon of oats-1 teaspoon of honey. This one's a Last Forest Honey straight from the fair trade brand in Kotagiri. -Essential oil is optional. I am using Lavender essential oil from RAS. 


-Mix all the ingredients well to form a thick paste. If it's too dry, add one table spoon of warm water. -Then apply it evenly onto your face, and scrub it lightly. -Leave it on to dry for about 7-10 minutes. (Meanwhile, either do some work, or terrorise your family with this face pack)-Once it's dry, use a table spoon of warm water and gently use circular motions of your fingertips to scrub once again. -Then, splash cool water and rinse off the homemade pack.-Look at yourself in the mirror, take a selfie, and post it. 


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!