Wood and Metal in Sadashivnagar has decor pieces for every possible corner of your house. The store itself is designed and setup just like a house. You will find everything from decor to furniture made out of wood here. From closets and cupboards to sofa sets and designer wooden doors, this place is too wood to be true! You can also find here wooden stands and vintage style beds, the ones which are known to be really durable.
Find wooden sculptures and murals carved out of top quality wood and designed by experienced artisans. The detailing in these decor pieces is done to perfection. They also undertake customised orders according to your requirement. The murals are made mainly out of top quality teak and rose wood.
Find wooden sculptures and murals carved out of top quality wood and designed by experienced artisans. The detailing in these decor pieces is done to perfection. They also undertake customised orders according to your requirement. The murals are made mainly out of top quality teak and rose wood.