Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, a popular fine arts school in Bangalore is hosting a summer shopping carnival organised by Grand Flea Market. Get ready to shop in a wide range of arts and crafts, clothing, jewellery, home decor, furniture and handicrafts along with enjoying snacks and music. Catch performance arts like live fire dances and Veeragase (popular folk dance of Karnataka). Treat yourself or the woman in your life to one of the gorgeous Banarasi sarees available, and get on that plan to do up your home with adorable Gujarati home decor. Happening from May 3 to May 12 between 11am and 7pm, spend time here shopping to your heart’s content.
Shop To Your Heart's Content At This 10 Day Flea Market At Chitrakala Parishath
What's Happening
How's The Venue
Chitrakala Parishath is a fine arts college that houses an art museum. The space hosts exhibitions regularly and is frequented for its canteen as well.