Get Flowers, Herbs, And Essences All In A Cup Of Tea From This Brand

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Folklore Tea

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What Makes It Awesome

Nothing like a hot cuppa tea at any point during the day to really refresh, or relax; a good pause to whatever the day’s pace is, and Folklore Tea will surely help! Based out of Assam, they work directly with organic tea growers that grow, harvest, and process it all naturally. Everything from the harvesting to the packaging is done by hand, and lovingly so we are told. The growers live by their gardens, so extra care is taken in the entire process.

Making small batches of tea to send out, the hand processing ensures that the tea is as fresh as it is while it was packaged. The types of tea available are Oolong, Green Tea, Black Tea, Wite Tea and Tisanes. They’re all unique blends to the individual farms that they were sourced from, as well as natural flavours. Incorporating flowers, essences, and herbs, the non-classic blends are what we’re loving. 

One of our favourites is the Vanilla-Coconut Oolong tea with blue cornflower petals added for extra colour and flavour. This one is best enjoyed cold. Another favourite is their Mango-Passionfruit tea with Marigold petals, perfect for the summer, and also best enjoyed cold. Their Highland Black Curls, and Rajgarh Golden Tips make great hot teas with or without milk. 


Feel free to refer to their guide on teas, flavour notes, and astringency to best enjoy your tea when you get it, and yes you can buy it online on LBB


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