Plan(t) Of Peace? Get It From This Garden Center!

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What Makes It Awesome

Folks from Chennai, we’ve got some plan(t)s for you, especially if you’re planning your own garden area. Here’s a garden center located in the southern metropolis that wouldn’t just provide respite from the heat but also ensure your mental health isn’t flung for a six. Prabhanjan Horticulture deals in indoor, outdoor plants, cacti, garden tools and even fertilizers that would do your garden and mind a whole lot of good. Tell you what we loved the most? Their medicinal plants. No, these won’t magically cure ills but will certainly improve the air quality around.

The Adathoda Plant and The Akkarara Plant are amongst our favourites. Not just are they easy to maintain, they are also colourful with flowers that we’re certain would add a nice aesthetic to your spaces. Do remember that you would have to keep removing the waste leaves and stems from time to time. We even loved their little succulents for outdoor and indoor uses and even their cacti for a more exotic pick. Now if you’re after plants that would add substance to outdoor spaces, they have a wide variety of those as well, ask us and we will suggest the African Tulip Tree that adds a dash of colour with a more tropical green flavour.

Dream of your own orchard? Prabhanjan even has fruit plants, namely guava, pineapple, orange and pomegranate. The plants come with their own planters which you can choose based on availability and the brand currently delivers only in Chennai. Click the Enquire Now button to know more from them.


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