In the heart of town the Little Green Cafe is the new kid on the Museum Road block. From the folks of Green Theory {that explains the organic and vegetarian set up}, this small cafe is all about healthy eating and drinking. Much like Green Theory, the idea behind this one too is to make the cafe an extension of all things cute, clean, green and healthy. Expect cosy, quiet and pretty, with plants, flowers and picnic benches, to seem just like Grandma’s garden.
While we haven’t been there yet, Instagram posts, Facebook photos and the grapevine tells us that there’s Khao Suey, Gazpacho and even some healthy {tofu and soy} cheesecake to nibble on. We can’t wait to try the Ricotta Tikki, Quinoa and Beetroot Tikki. Oh, and the Vietnamese Soba Noodle Soup. Plus, detoxing juices, mushroom cappuccino and passion fruit fizz among others. But really this place is winning for carving a space for itself on the bustling Museum Road, and giving us a little lung space in CBD.
Watch this space for more.