Have You Tried The Fresh Mangoes And Cream At Corner House Yet?

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What Makes It Awesome

Corner House needs no introduction. Enter nostalgia filled, sugar high inducing ice creams, sundaes and desserts, that is like a straight one way ticket to your childhood. Hell, they even do sugar free ice cream for those who shudder even at the thought of sugar. If you want to pick a delicious middle path, then go for the seasonal fresh mangoes served with whipped cream. The dessert is deceptively simple and lets the mangoes do all the talking. Chunks of sweet and tart mangoes are topped with light whipped cream. And the best part, the cream is not cloyingly sweet.

What Could Be Better?

Their presentation is always basic, so expect no fancy plating.

What's My Pro Tip?

Eat two servings we say. At INR 120 bucks only, this is great value for money.

Anything Else?

They also do fresh mangoes with scoops of ice cream!

Amrita is a cat lady, mommy to a fiesty toddler, hoarder of cookbooks and indie magazines, and a serial watcher of crime shows. Also loves the Kardashians and Eva Chen to bits.