Hi Seoul Gets A High Five For Good Food And Great Prices

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Hi Seoul’s Korean specials come at not too much of cost. Stay away from the Chinese section of the menu, and instead focus on the bibimbap, bulgogis, barbecues and the hot pots on the menu. You won’t be disappointed.

Must Eat

You must start here with the beef gimbap {chicken version available too}, the Korean version of sushi. Unlike the measly portions that sushi is served in, the gimbap served here is generous and two people might find it difficult to finish. But unlike sushi, each gimbap is bigger and slightly more rustic. We also tried a simple chicken and egg fried rice that came crackling on a stone pot. The fried rice packed in a punch with eggs, peas, chicken, and other veggies and I enjoyed eating it with the bunch of condiments served at the table — a nice Korean pancake, stir fried greens, fermented beans, stewed potatoes, and of course the kimchi {which was unbelievably good}. I also tried a bubbling hot spot with shredded beef, veggies, and noodles, which was a perfect dish for the rainy night I visited. There was sticky rice served o the side to make the most of the hot pot.

Must Drink

They serve wine only here, in the name of alcohol.

Who It’s For

Those who don’t play it safe when it comes to food, love meat and don’t mind brothy, soupy dishes. The restaurant decor is nothing great, but they do have a nice balcony space where big picnic benches and tables are placed, after all Hi Seoul is located in a house. The menu though exotic, is kid friendly because nothing is too spicy or greasy. And the friendly staff will toss up a nice simple fried rice with egg and chicken for kids, on request. The prices are also budget here.

What Didn’t Impress Us

There wasn’t much that didn’t impress me, but the menu was smaller than some of the other Korean restaurants I have eaten at in the city. Parking is also problematic outside the restaurant and on the day I went, I had to desperately look for parking in the by-lanes around the restaurant.

Where: 309, 7th Main Road, 2nd Block, HRBR Layout, Kalyan Nagar

Price: INR 1,000 for two

Contact: 080 40934000

Timings: 11.30am-3pm and 5.30pm-10pm


Filmmaker. Storyteller. Traveller. And occasionally a good liar. You can find my work at shamiksengupta.com.