I wandered into Institute of Combat Studies looking for an engaging way to keep fit. A combat academy in the suburbs of Indiranagar, this, is where you learn how to handle adversaries in the ring and adversity in life .The rigours of a media professional’s job had left me physically weak and mentally drained all the time. The idea of dragging myself to a gym seemed even more tiring. What I found here was far more than I asked for. I was introduced to Bruce Lee’s incredible and elusive art of Jeet Kune Do. I learned how to fight, but more importantly, think like a fighter in every aspect of life. I became a far more confident individual. And as a side-effect, I lost 10 kg and got into the best shape of my life.
I found a teacher who is as wise and capable, as any Sifu you will find sitting in a Dojo on top of a mountain in the orient! It is so rare to find a martial arts teacher who can give you such a deep level of personal attention and insight, who can teach with such humour and deftness. Forget self-help books and motivational videos. Just go to the Institute of Combat Studies!