Delhi’s iconic Keventers has opened on 12th Main in Indiranagar, in a take away kiosk-like format, and it’ll soon be in North Bangalore too. You can expect the milkshakes to bring all the boys and girls to the yard.
Coming Soon: North Bangalore, Get Ready For Keventers On New BEL Road
Shake It Up
Known for their delicious fresh fruit {blueberry, raspberry, mango and strawberry} milkshakes, we can wait to sip on some of their interesting stuff too. Hopefully the Bubblegum Flavour and Strawberry fields will be on offer at the new place too. They also offer classic old school shakes such as butterscotch, vanilla and cold coffee along with a modern take in the form of thick shakes such as Mint Oreo Crumble, Chocolate Hazelnut, Chocolate Peanut Butter and more.
Watch this space for more.