Learn Goshin Jutsu & The Art Of Self Defence At This Free Workshop

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LBB X The Dojo Self Defence Workshop

What's Happening?

Today's day and age makes it critical for us to be able defend ourselves physically when faced with danger. If you want to protect yourself or just learn a necessary life-skill or new martial art, LBB has something in store for you. The Dojo is hosting an online self-defence workshop to help teach us how to defend ourselves in practical and real-world circumstances. The 90 minute workshop will include a body warm-up, an assessment of where your strengths and weaknesses lie and basic mobility techniques. This will be followed by a mental response mechanism technique and self-defence methods. You will be taught how to act and react in practical situations and real-life scenarios, followed by an interactive Q & A session. A cool down and meditation will round up the informative session. Pretty cool, right? You can register for this free event taking place on October 16, Saturday at 4PM by clicking the link above.


If you're in Bengaluru, do visit their studio in HSR Layout to check out the classes they conduct.

How’s the venue?

The workshop will take place on Zoom.

Make a note

Keep in mind to:--

Wear comfortable clothes like gym clothes or pyjamas that do not restrict movement

Have a bottle of water ready at all times


Entry is absolutely FREE