Learn to make bedside lamps from simple terracotta pots

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What Makes It Awesome

Lamps are an expensive affair. But how cool would it be if you could make them Yourself. get to learn basics of wiring, bonding different material with each other and tools and equipment needed for the same.
Once you learn the process, you can not only make lamps for yourself, but also start your own custom lamp making business.
This workshop is for beginners, DIY buffs and anyone and everyone who wants to decorate on a budget.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹1000 - ₹3000

Preethi is a decorator and diy'er on steroids. no space remains the way it was when she is around. while she is not busy decorating a space, she is blogging about it. if you don't want to spend a lot of money but want a glam space, she is your go to person. To see what she is currently obsessed with, go to her website www.instagram.com/preethiprabhu