Tips That Will Make Sure That Your Poodle Can Tag Along On Your Adventures

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Planning to embark on a trip with your pet? You should always be prepared to make it a smooth and hassle free journey and vacation for both yourself and your furry friend. Travelling with your four legged bundle of joy can be a really enriching experience but you have to take proper steps to ensure the same. Always examine your pet’s temperament before anything else. Not all pets can actually travel comfortably owing to their susceptibility to sickness, physical ailments, illnesses and other problems. Consulting your vet is the best thing to do in this regard. Once you do decide to go ahead, here are a few tips that will help you immensely.

Road Tripping With Your Darling

If you are going by car, you should know how to keep your pet comfortable and safe during the journey. Keep your dog safely parked in his/her seat with specific restraints and also to keep him/her from roaming around or moving too much in the car which is a distraction best avoided.  Do not place pets in the front seat of your car as they are liable to be injured in case of any deployment of airbags.

Ensure that your pet keeps his/her head safely inside the car at all times. Do not let them keep their heads hanging outside the window and take in smoke, cold air and even be exposed to debris or particles. Have periodic stops to enable your pet to rest and discharge. Alongside, have an ID tag, collar and leash on him/her at all times. Also, carry a travel food bowl. Never ever leave your pet inside the car as this can be hazardous at times.

Pets On Board

Air travel is not really recommended for pets by leading agencies and experts. However, if you must, you should always select a cabin, a choice that is only available in international flights. Many leading airline companies will allow your pet inside the cabin for an additional amount of money though there are limits and other requirements related to size. Always learn about special requirements from the airline companies you fly with in addition to along with the special carriers that they may possess. Not all airlines have soft sided or hard sided carriers.

Cargo hold transportation is another point that you may have to discuss if your pet is not allowed into the cabin. Make sure your pet has a securely placed harness while going through airport security. Domestic carriers only allow pets to travel in the luggage or cargo hold. Always be wary of flying your pet in the cargo hold owing to possible ailments and injuries occurring on account of temperature fluctuations and almost no ventilation. Always go for direct flights when travelling with your pet. Notify the captain and attendants with regard to your pet travelling in the cargo hold. In summer, late evening or early morning flights are recommended while afternoon flights are always a better option in winters. Do not endeavour to feed your pet for a few hours before the trip takes place.

All in all, going on a journey with your pet may be an arduous affair if you are not well prepared and alert! Taking the right steps will help you have a fruitful and joyous trip with your constant companion.


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