OpenOut Invites You To Ruksana's Shahi Dastarkhan For Delicious Home Cooked Mughlai Food

The information in this post might be outdated

What Is It?

Who doesn’t love a delicious feast cooked by a culinary master? The folks at OpenOut {a city-based community that facilitates at-home events} certainly do! Bringing together hosts and people looking for interesting events, they hope to redefine social lives and spaces while letting you meet new people and have different experiences. This event is all about home chef Ruksana's Shahi Dastarkhan — a three-course Mughlai delight. You can expect a welcome drink, kebab platter, soup, main course and a dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth! The meal will be wrapped up with a Sulaimani chai to refresh your palette.

Who Is It For?

Anyone with a love for food should definitely attend this. Originally from Bombay, Ruksana’s cooking is based on family recipes have been passed down through generations, so you’re in for an authentic home cooked meal. She's well known in her community for her impeccable dishes, and sells her cooking from home on weekends .

Why Should I Go For It?

Akbari Gosht Ke Kheeme Ke KababDarbari Dum Gosht Ki Biryani Raita Ke SangSitafal Ke Zaiqe Mein Chawal Ki Khandani Kheer are just a few dishes that will be served — need we say more? The number of seats are limited to 15 people, so if your tastebuds are tingling already then you’d better book fast!

When: Saturday, December 17

Where: Doddanekundi; exact location to be confirmed

Timings: 1pm - 4pm

Price: INR 1,495

Contact: Email or call 9742497111 to make a reservation.

Find the event on Facebook here.

Featured Photo for representational purpose: gahdjun


When she's not stuck in Bangalore traffic, Akshaya enjoys delectable sea urchins and reading sci-fi novels to her cat. The features writer also drives to work everyday in her Grandma's car.