Shradha Sharma, Founder and Chief Editor, YourStory

The information in this post might be outdated

While working with mainstream media, Shradha noticed that reporting always revolved around success stories and billion-dollar industries. Brave entrepreneurs who were still figuring it out were starved for a voice. So in 2008, while still working for a news channel, Sharadha launched YourStory. Today, over 60,000 stories later and after transforming it into a self-sustaining business, something she was very keen on, Sharadha very proudly declares YourStory a survivor. Another aspect that evokes immense pride is her team, who she says, is cut from the same cloth as her and share in her madness. Her entrepreneurial spirit, which she says has willed her to triumph over hardships, has lead YourStory to reach out in 12 regional languages and to aim for 5 million stories in the coming years.

Tip: “Being an entrepreneur is very lonely and tough, so, you need to embrace and love yourself. When you do this, what others say will not matter.”

Find YourStory on Facebook here.

Check out the YourStory website here.


Navya considers herself to be the Cassandra of the 21st century – no one ever listens to the wisdom that she so willingly imparts. This is the only Greek tragedy element in her otherwise happy life. She’s got her Husband Charming, has perfected the art of sarcasm, is always fed copious amounts of good food, and is well on her way to self-actualization.