Learn How To Swim Like A Pro With This Club

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What Makes It Awesome

Whether you want to be the next Michael Phelps or you’re just a water baby looking to go for a swim, Dolphin Aquatics is your best bet. They have two centres: one at the Padukone-Dravid Centre For Sports Excellence (Yelahanka), and the other at Kensington Swimming Pool in Ulsoor. The former is more for the athletes-in-making or pros. For us regular folk, it’ll have to be the Kensington Swimming Pool.

As one of the oldest registered swimming clubs in Karnataka, Dolphin has quite a number of illustrious names under its alumni list (there are several Olympic athletes on there!). At the Kensington Swimming Pool, though, they have classes for beginners and intermediate swimmers. Prices for these start at INR 5,000 plus taxes. These classes go on from 5 AM to 10 AM everyday (you’ll have to pick a batch). If you just want to go for a swim every now and then, the pool is open from 11 AM to 3 PM everyday except Fridays. For this, you will have to pay an entry fee of INR 70 on weekdays and INR 100 on weekends.


If you want to book the pool and practice swimming in private, you can do so too. All you have to do is let them know in advance and they’ll charge you INR 200 an hour (timings range from 5 AM to 10 AM, and 8 PM to 10 PM).