The Bacon Fries At Bak Bak Bar Come With Chipotle Or Cheddar

What Makes It Awesome

Why, the bacon fries of course! What can be better than just fries?

Fries slathered with loads of cheese and topped with bacon and baked till crisp. You can pick from cheddar or chipotle-flavoured cheese. And the fries are served with a piquant mayo.

What Could Be Better?

Maybe more bacon perhaps!

What's My Pro Tip

If you like fiery stuff, then also order their chicken wings slathered with a crazy spicy bhoot jolokia sauce.

Be very afraid, the chilli sauce is very, very spicy and part of a challenge. If you can eat them all, then you get a bottle of beer on the house.

Anything Else

Nah. Just enjoy them bacon fries with lots of beer!

Amrita is a cat lady, mommy to a fiesty toddler, hoarder of cookbooks and indie magazines, and a serial watcher of crime shows. Also loves the Kardashians and Eva Chen to bits.