A big part of everyday essentials has to be our bags, amirite ladies? But this trusty friend sometimes warrants a desperate upgrade and fear not, we are here to help. Look up Akiesha, your soon-to-be one-stop shop for everything bags. Right from selling mini backpacks, spacious totes, to tassel shoulder bags and edgy slings, these bags will leave you spoilt for choice.
These are faux leather (yay!) handbags that cost under INR 1,500. Their best-seller has to be the croc textured hobo bag made of vegan leather that comes with a detachable sling bag on the inside. We also have our eyes fixed on the peanut-brown bucket bag that comes with a beautiful stitch pattern design along with adjustable buckled straps. A great option for everyday use because the colour is sure to go on any outfit and the bag also has enough space to easily accommodate all your valuables.
If cute-sized backpacks are what you want, Akiesha’s buckled backpack in a pleasing lavender tone not only has a trendy design but is also convenient. Easy to carry around and the multiple compartments inside can carry all your knick-knacks.