Dance, Water or Step: Aerobics Classes around Town that will get you in Shape

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Don’t we all remember the days with Jane Fonda and Claudia Schiffer made VHS tapes on the most exciting looking workouts – aerobics? Dolled up in snazzy leggings and tank tops, it was {and perhaps still is} considered one of the best forms of workout as it combines rhythmic movements and strength training routines that will improve your flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness. Throw in some pumping music to make it a lively session, and really, it’s a dance party that gets you in shape. So if you’re jaded when it comes to gyms and runs, step it up with these aerobic classes in town. Breathe in, breathe out and jump right in!

LBB’s loving

Pooja Arora

Readers’ vote

Figurine Fitness

Gold’s Gym

If you’re looking to really make it a fitness party, then Gold’s Gym is the best bet. Pumping up to Bollywood beats with popular culture and current English music thrown in the mix, their aerobics classes will up your flexibility, balance, strength and of course stamina. We warn you, you’ll lag behind for the first two weeks, as these guys are pretty hardcore.

When: Monday to Saturday, 6am-10.30pm and Sunday, 9am-8pm


Combining rhythmic aerobic exercise with hints of yoga stretch and cool down, this place is all about cross training. So while you work out, not only will you improve your strength and stamina, but you can even get a personal trainer to work on your weaker points. These folks even have step aerobics and kick boxing too, that come under the category.

Price: INR 3,500


Get fit and have oodles of fun doing so, is clearly the motto at Zela. Weaving in all kinds of dance – from salsa and jive to Bollywood and bachata, you’ll burn calories and you won’t even know you’ve been exercising. Okay, maybe some days you’ll be ready to collapse, but it’ll still have been a good time of letting go fully and dancing right?

Price: INR 6,870 per month

Snap Fitness

If you’re looking for fun, motivation and a good workout, sign-up here. With gyms across the town {no, really, there’s one in every area}, you’ll get into the Bollywood and dance groove quickly, and the classes will have you addicted soon enough.

Figurine Fitness

If you have any female friends or family around from the 1980s in town, then ask them about the famous Santosh and Anu, the husband-wife duo who introduced the city to aerobics classes. Their kind of dance aerobics is inspired by Latino, free-style, Bollywood and Bhangra dances. Plus, martial arts, yoga and Pilates. We love that you have a different trainer for each day of the week, meaning different styles of exercise and therefore, different muscles being worked on.

Aqua Curves

Who says you need to be in a studio to workout, eh? Hit the pools with Aqua Curves for their interesting sessions of hydro aerobics. You don’t need to know how to swim, but please, don’t traipse into the water in shorts and a tee. A swimsuit will help! We certainly know that we’re following this regime for the long and intimidating looking summer ahead.

Pooja Arora

Splash about like a mermaid at this class, which is incidentally called FitMermaids. As part of her larger company, Shape Up With Pooja, water aerobics and fitness expert Pooja Arora leads you through workouts in the pool ranging from deep-water aqua and shallow-water aqua to functional training based classes and circuit ones. Plus, dumbell training in the water for double resistance and hardly any risk of injury at all.

Find a class near you here.

Price: INR 500 per class

Find her on Facebook here.

Check out her website here.


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!