This Live Escape Room Has A Prison Breakout Challenge And It's All Kinds Of Awesome

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If you love watching Prison Break till wee hours, then boy, do we have a game for you. Bangalore’s Mystery Rooms with its Lockout game is as close as you can get to living the show. And oh, it’s in Indiranagar too!

What Makes It Awesome

We were a team of four when we were invited to check out the game., Lockout at Mystery Rooms. Now, team size can vary between a minimum two players (we are thinking the Lincoln Burrows-Michael Scofield team up from Prison Break) to a maximum of eight (The Rock-like scenario except without any biological weapons of course). After a quick but helpful “do’s and don’ts” and general tips, we were handed our prison uniforms and handcuffed before being led to the escape room. Yup super realistic these guys are.  

The well-designed escape room, modelled after a typical jail cell along with the jailer’s room and all the necessary props right down to the plates and random graffiti on the wall, gave us the feeling like we were really in a prison. And that we just have one hour to escape from it as indicated by the countdown timer on the wall. 

Now, we can’t tell you about how we escaped, but we can tell you that you need to clear four levels to actually escape. Common sense, logic, and the patience to not kill your teammates are what helped us escape the room in 53 minutes (try beating that!). You’ll require all that and a sharp eye for things that look ordinary and out of place as well.


So Mystery Rooms has something for everyone with their games that includes The Hurt Locker Challenge, Abduction and Cabin In The Woods. We are told that the Cabin In The Woods is the toughest of the lot with a mere success rate of a measly 14 per cent. Should you escape/defuse/survive before the clock hits zero, you will go up on the Facebook Hall Of Fame Gallery and win yourself a medal. If not, well, it’s up to the game master to decide your fate.


An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.