If you can't ever get enough of leather bags and accessories then check out The Leather Company in Jeevan Bhima Nagar. This store is quite easy to miss as you walk or ride down the lane, so do keep an eye out or just use google maps. As you walk into the store, the smell of genuine leather will hit you. Look around and find leather jackets in shades of tan and black that will give you the biker look and is great for cool weather. Find duffel bags and suitcases made out of genuine leather, travel kits and pouches in shades of green, blue, brown, and black starting at INR 700. All products sold here are made in-house.
The range of handbags for women here will spoil you for choice. We are talking about tote bags, hobo bags, laptop bags, small purses, and backpacks. Find them in different textures and colours such as powder blue, red, black, matte gold and grey starting at INR 1,500. The matte gold laptop bag and tan messenger bag are great finds at The Leather Company. Men, you can buy yourself a laptop bag or backpack for work or college starting at INR 2,000. The vintage style briefcase bag is certainly a must-buy for anyone who loves bags. Spot a range of wallets in textures of crocodile skin and plain ones that can hold your cards and cash making it functional and classy. If you don't like bags completely made out of leather, they also stock up on tote bags made out of polyester starting at INR 300.