It’s always Beer O’ clock for us! We don’t know about you but no question makes us happier than ‘want a chilled beer?’. Whether it be a Monday or a Friday, beer (and ice cream) always makes everything right and is the perfect pick me up after all this adulting! Our latest go-to beer has been the Bira 91 Boom. Want to know why?
For starters, it is brewed with the choicest of ingredients and comes with a rich-and-malty strong flavour. This lager has our heart with its notes of honey and biscuit in every sip and an aromatic flavour of noble hops. Crack open the golden lager for unwinding anytime. Not to forget, the quirky and vibrant packaging has us identifying it from far away at any store and getting us all excited.
And fans we truly are, which is why we got the good folks at Bira 91 to share the happiness with y’all with a fun giveaway. Yesss! Here is your chance to win official Bira 91 merchandise that you’d love to own.