Register For A Certified Reiki Level 1 Course!

Certified Reiki Level 1 Course

What's Happening?

Healing Hearts and Souls invites you For Reiki Level 1 Certification Course. Reiki is a Japanese technique for holistic health and spiritual growth.

Here's what the course entails -

Reiki History





Treatment to others

Reiki techniques & much more

Reiki has a host of benefits like - Good sleep, reducing restlessness, increases focus, releases stress, tension, reduces anxiety, leads to better mood, pain management, faster healing and recovery, heal life situations, ability to heal yourself and others and inner strength, peace and calm.

About Water Therapy: Water Therapy contains using different symbols for being able to heal at all physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels. Every body part, disease and various ailments have different symbols.

Contributing healing to Mother Earth is the biggest deed you can do. Learn to heal people, animals, birds, plants, soil and situations.


₹4000 only