Clucky's chicken a brand known for its freshness and meaty pieces of chicken Pieces delivery at everyone's houses! The delivery range starts from Fort to Santacruz. Clucky's Chicken is free from any preservatives or steroids and is fresh and quite lovely.
Another Unique thing you might notice in this is that unlike packaged chicken from retail stores where the meat gives an off smell, clucky's chicken doesn't smell of any preservatives and is fresh. So save yourself the hassle of going to the boiler and get yourself this freshness at your doorstep.
Each packet is of 500gm priced between 200-225 rs and consists of 4 variants:
PRE Cut Chicken consisting of boneless Chicken
Chicken drumsticks
Chicken kheema
Chicken mixed boneless which Consists of a mix of bo e and boneless Pieces.
So get yourself the perfect fresh and clean Chicken without any hassle!
Another Unique thing you might notice in this is that unlike packaged chicken from retail stores where the meat gives an off smell, clucky's chicken doesn't smell of any preservatives and is fresh. So save yourself the hassle of going to the boiler and get yourself this freshness at your doorstep.
Each packet is of 500gm priced between 200-225 rs and consists of 4 variants:
PRE Cut Chicken consisting of boneless Chicken
Chicken drumsticks
Chicken kheema
Chicken mixed boneless which Consists of a mix of bo e and boneless Pieces.
So get yourself the perfect fresh and clean Chicken without any hassle!