If You Are A Dog-Lover, You Should Visit This Resort In Mumbai

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Phoebe's farm, Khopoli

What Makes It Awesome

Let me make a list of things that's beyond awesome!

1. Dogs, cats, ducks, donkey, emu... Manoor wants to extend this list and I hope he does! You cannot get enough of them.

2. The bone shaped pool is enticing not just for your furry babies but also for you.

3. Simple, authentic meal keeps your stomach happy and healthy.

4. Constant demand for belly rubs in return for wet kisses is a bit hard to resist

5. Finally, some hot tea + conversation with Manoor fills your heart with content and you do not want to go back to city πŸ™ˆ

What Could Be Better

Everything is perfect!

How Much Did It Cost


Best To Go With

Pets, Family, Kids

A dog-lover and stationery-hoarder. That kind of sums it all ❀️