If you’re always looking for buddies to go try new food with, join Pet Pujaris: a gang of die-hard foodies who venture out together to try new eateries in Mumbai. This one is a non-profit community with an online & offline presence. It endeavors to bring together people from varied walks of life and get them to bond over their common love for good food and enjoyable company. It does this by hosting two food meet-ups a month.
One plan is dedicated to fine dining (Fatka Foodie Events) and the other to more economical fare (Kadka Foodie Events). Once a quarter, Pet Pujaris hosts its “Yummy Yatras” where Pujaris travel to nearby destinations outside of Mumbai to sample the best eateries a certain place has to offer.
So there's good food, and good company. There's also a deserving break from a normal Sunday with lip-smacking recipes which does not have any registration charges. It happens twice in a month, once in the beginning and then towards the end. The beginning of every month will be set aside for the more pricey food establishments in Mumbai, and towards the end we will dine at eateries offering more VFM (value-for-money).
Pankhuri Singh
@Akanksha We recommend you to check their website for all details.