Over a decade old, Folk does bags and a whole lot of accessories at really affordable rates with the aim to protect the environment one bag at a time. Their designs are simple and innovative as well as environment-friendly.
You’ll be spoilt for choice seeing their range of bags like backpacks, laptop, messenger, tote, cross body, travel, duffel, gift, shopping and portfolio bags and accessories like wallets, key chain and coin purses, luggage tags, passport covers, pouches, washbags, laptop and I-pad sleeves, notepads and pencil pouches. They also have jute slippers for kids and adults as well as quilts and blankets.
All of it is made using breathable, natural and sustainable materials like jute, canvas, cotton, waxed canvas and leather. Another amazing thing about this brand is that it’s employee-centric. It deploys fair trade practices and makes sure that each employee’s voice is heard. Half of their staff comprises women. Also, they work with rural artisans to keep the traditional craft alive.
Watch out for their Black-on-Black (BoB) collection that can be easily transformed. You can use them as backpacks or crossbody, shoulder, hand-held and belt bags. The bags are spacious and have compartments for everything. You can carry your laptop in most of them. Keep losing keys? Worry not. There’s space for that too and you socks and shoes and wet clothes! Strap a purse-cum-bag to your waist or use it as a clutch – the choice is yours.
The bags start at INR 499 while the accessories are priced at INR 199 onwards.