The biggest reminder of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah in Metiabruz today is the Sibtainabad Imambara. Built in 1864, this is a replica of the Bada Imambara of Lucknow on a much smaller scale. Inside, on the eastern side of the main hall, lies buried Nawab Wajid Ali Shah. Along with his tomb, this enclosure also accommodates a number of tazias, ceremonial tomb replicas which are taken out for Muharram processions. Pictures of the nawab, verses of his poetry adorn the walls. A number of colourful chandeliers hang from the ceiling. On the western end of the room is a large display case containing a variety of memorabilia related to the Nawab, including a Qur’an said to have been copied by Wajid Ali Shah himself.
Shahi Imambara, Garden Reach
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