It's a tough time for us all, but in the last month, we've seen people looking out for each other- making oxygen cylinders, medicines, and plasma accessible. And it is almost emotional to watch the power of unity unfold so beautifully. Another great example of unity is seen in the way home chefs and food delivery services are coming forward to make #covidmealsforindia, and delivering it either at a very nominal cost or for free.
With scores of patients isolating at home with their families (or alone), it becomes difficult to get all essentials delivered. More so when their homes are sealed. But we bring to you a list of trustworthy delivery services and home chefs in Mumbai, who are making super healthy meals for Covid-19 patients and their families. They take health requirements into account before curating the meals, and deliver tasty food at your doorstep. So if you're under home isolation or treatment, bookmarking them will only do you good!