Recently opened in Mahavir Nagar, Yess Pizza caters to all those who love technology and pizzas! Yess Pizza boasts of pizza vending machines that bake pizzas from scratch and that too within just seven minutes.
The machine begins with mixing the flour to make the fresh dough that is then machine pressed to form the circular pizza crust. The pizza sauce is then robotically dropped evenly onto the crust and while this is happening, the oven heating initiates automatically. All the toppings and cheese are dispersed evenly on the base too. It then gets baked at a temperature of about 380 degrees centigrade. The baked pizza is then automatically placed on the pizza tray and pushed out of the machine.
The machine begins with mixing the flour to make the fresh dough that is then machine pressed to form the circular pizza crust. The pizza sauce is then robotically dropped evenly onto the crust and while this is happening, the oven heating initiates automatically. All the toppings and cheese are dispersed evenly on the base too. It then gets baked at a temperature of about 380 degrees centigrade. The baked pizza is then automatically placed on the pizza tray and pushed out of the machine.