This Adorable Portuguese-Style Villa In Naigaon Is Just Five Minutes From The Beach!

What Makes It Awesome

Naigaon's always been an underrated gem that deserves a lot more love. With a clean, simple beach and tons of palm trees for shade and serenity, Naigaon is a hamlet that deserves at least a weekend trip when you feel like you need one... Without going to far. So, perfect for a staycation of sorts, no?

Lucky for you, we found a precious property that's perfect for just that. Especially if your staycation involves staying with your best buds, and involves having a beach that's no more than a 5 minute walk away. Because that's just what this lovely little home offers. Surrounded by the aforementioned palm trees, and inspired by Portuguese architecture, this 3 BHK villa's also got a private pool to boot. Every room's also got a pretty huge bathtub, so be rest assured that R&R is always on the cards. F=The four-poster beds don't hurt, either. 

Be sure to book this one when there's no monsoons in sight, and when you've got a family reunion, huge party or a long-overdue break on the cards. 


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