Always struggling while looking for the perfect gift for a friend, a family member, or BAE? Well let's put your search to an end right away. We've found you a homegrown gifting and crafting brand called The Handmade Store, that curates one-of-a-kind gifts that are also light on the pocket. Read on, and you'll be convinced about how awesome it is, in exactly 5 minutes.
Apoorva Malik, a truly gifted artist, makes memory frames, memory clocks, boxes, photo initials, trendy, festive props, and wreaths. And the best part is that they're all made with your precious photos. She also does decor pieces, scrapbooks and journals, unicorn mugs, and so much more. We love the photo memory trees the most- very unique and innovative creation to purchase, in case you want to give the usual pinboard photos a backseat and buy something more fascinating. In case you're planning to surprise your partner with a handmade card explosion box, they can customize one for you too, provided you pre-order.
Handmade gifts have a different charm altogether, and at The Handmade Store, even a tiny flower bouquet is given a twist. Why spend money on buying real flower bouquets when you can get a chocolate bouquet from this brand? Better than those flowers taking their last breath after a week, no? You can also go for message frames, scrapbook letters, cards, desk stands, mini tag books, and so much more. To cut things short, you tell them what you what and consider it done, or just scroll through their designs, and order your favourite. The next time you're hunting for a perf gift, allow The Handmade Stories to take care of things!
Shell Out: INR 500 to INR 2,000