A trusted brand for shoes among Indians, Bata has an outlet on the ground floor of the mall. You will find running shoes, gym shoes, formal shoes and even casual shoes. Ladies, you can find stilettos, juttis, sandals and much more starting at INR 500 only.
Located on the ground floor of the mall, Bata has a fairly decent store in the mall. You will find a number of shoes for men, women as well as children. Adding to their simple collection, which the brand is well known for, the store now also has some really fancy shoes as well with them.
For women, this store has a number of shoes for everyday wear as well as party wear shoes. You will find a number of sandals, stilettos, box heels, flats, flip-flops and more starting at just INR 199. The store also has a number of gym wear shoes for women which start at INR 500 only.
For men, the store has some really good Italian-style shoes which will surely go with any kind of formals. They also have Oxfords, Borges, Calvin's and numerous other styles in formal shoes. You will also find casual designs such as sneakers, slip-ons, loafers and more. The prices for men’s shoes start at INR 299.
Along with shoes, the store also has shoe polishes, brushes and other things that will help you maintain the shoe.