We have to admit that these day most bags look the same. They fit in a few categories (more or less) like the basic black/brown bag, the plastic-y Ted Baker kind, the zipless maxi totes you can dump everything in, and a medium to small sized tote with prints, embellishments and the like.
However, if you’re someone who loves bags (and loves to stand out) - you need to get your hands on Mioborsa's Honeycomb Cross-body.
This bag that’s selling like hot cakes on LBB is made out of vegan leather and comes with a single drawstring pouch compartment (which is detachable, by the way). It’s available in three stunning colours: black, tan and olive green (the tan one’s our favourite).
This unique and functional cross-body can be the perfect accessory for all your weekend scenes and wouldn’t look out of place at both a brunch spot or a bar. At a price of INR 1400, we think that it’s a steal deal. So, bag it before it’s gone?