Storytellers, Ahoy! You Cannot Miss This Midnight Storytelling Event

What's Happening

What comes to your mind when we say midnight storytelling? Can you vividly picture the moments from Dead Poets Society where students sneak out in the night to tell stories? At Midnight Storytelling event by Tale Tellers Troupe, storytellers are invited to gather at 11 pm and tell stories or be immersed in them. These can be written (or read) by you or passed on to you by your parents or grandparents. So, pick a tale you love and narrate it under 7-10 minutes. Don't want to tell one? Just sit back and listen to your fellow storytellers. What a night it shall be!  

How's The Venue

Phoenix Arena has both indoor and outdoor seating with a lively atmosphere.

Make A Note

You can grab a ticket at the venue and pay by cash, PayTM or Google Pay.


Former Editor, LBB, Hyderabad.