Kolkata Centre of Creativity along with The Crafts Council of West Bengal is celebrating its Golden Jubilee with a super unique exhibition.
Whether you enjoy watching paintings or traditional and folk things are your weak spot, this exhibition is where you can spend hours. Bengal PAT of GOLD is an exhibition of The Bengal Patachitra, a form of contemporary and heritage scroll paintings. That's right, guys. This is a traditional folk form of painting created on cloth or paper produced by the Patua and Chitrakar community.
The most interesting thing, we think, about this exhibition is that the exposition is a collaboration of heritage and contemporary, i.e., they are trying to showcase where the art originated from and what changes and developments it has weathered through.
The exhibition wasinaugurated by Virginie Cortewal, Consul General, France and will be attended by Jogen Chowdhury, Shuvaprasanna, Jawhar Sircar and many more.