What comes to your mind first when you hear Hemp? Marijuana, right? Cure By Design, a Bangalore- based start-up is here to clear hemp of a bad name. Through its products, this brand is trying to reimagine the future of Indian agriculture system while promoting a sustainable lifestyle with one of the most misunderstood plants.
Why does hemp have this bad image when its actually a superfood? Blame it on Marijuana. While both come from the same plant, even look and smell alike, they are chemically and structurally very different. Hemp is high on nutritional value and low on THC (that can actually get you high). Also. hemp can be used extensively from making medicines to producing cloth. Plus the plant has been scientifically proven to absorb more carbon dioxide per hectare than any other forest or commercial crop! Don’t even get me started on the amazing health benefits hemp provides. From boosting your immunity to improving brain function to helping you shed those kilos. There’s a lot hemp can do.
Cure By Design is tapping into these very properties of hemp to help you include this wonder seed into your daily lives. I personally love to snack on the Hemp Hearts which is basically shelled hemp seeds. It can improve your digestion, and keep diabetes as well as heart diseases at bay. Fitness enthusiasts, if you’re into heavy weight lifting and in need of a vegan protein supplement, then opt for the Hemp Protein Powder power-packed with 20 amino acids, making it ideal for building muscle mass. For your dose of Omega 3,6 and 9., you can add the seeds in your smoothie bowls, muffins or pancakes. They also offer mask made of hemp fibres and hemp rejuvenating sanitisers as well.