We at LBB have loved this one for a couple of years now, but we still felt a sense of pride when they came on Shark Tank India recently! Come on, picked from over 60,000 brands, down to 198. See, we curated them way back when, so we're back to show off about them again!
Known to be one of the most sustainable, and eco-friendly plants around, hemp is our new (old) favourite ingredient. And for all of you thinking with a one-track mind, we’re here to say that it’s very nutritious and is also great for the environment, so feel free to join us in falling in love with Bangalore’s own hemp brand, India Hemp & Co. all over again!
Started by siblings, Shalini and Jayanti, this brand started because of the family’s love for the jungles. This introduced them to plenty of herbal plants, and then hemp too. Learning from the locals in mountain regions, they realised that apart from the health benefits, hemp actually is an effective tool against deforestation as well as in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. That hemp makes for great trail mixes and is great for your skin, is a bonus!
If you’d like to sample their stuff or already love them as we do, India Hemp & Co.’s website will spoil you for choice with snacks and shakes. I love the Hemp Hearts that is shelled hemp seeds that will do wonders for your digestion and also help keep heart diseases and diabetes at bay. If you’re into heavy weight lifting, or just think you need protein supplement, check out the Hemp Protein that is packed with 20 amino acids, that will be ideal for building and maintaining muscle mass. Those of you, like me, can tell it’s 4pm thanks to your hunger pangs, try the trail mix. A mixture of sunflower, pumpkin, hemp hearts and flax, freely eat this for your dose of Omega 3,6 and 9. Plus, there's hemp oil is also now available.