Manjari Kanoi’s pottery studio in Kolkata will teach you how to use a lump of moist clay on the potter’s wheel to give shape to your thoughts and creativity. Her pottery workshop is a kind of therapy that will help you detach from your can’t-stop-won’t-stop tech-addicted, stressful lifestyle, and connect with nature’s elements of air, water, fire and earth.
If you are someone who is au courant with the recent trends then you would know that pottery is fast becoming a popular hobby that has far-reaching therapeutic effects and is even being used to cure depression. Manjari’s studio at Rowland Road, provides a comfortable and creative atmosphere for learning and making pottery. Every lesson is personally guided by her and her team of friendly, skilled and patient potters.
The important thing about pottery as Manjari will tell you is not to rush it, if you do, clay will crack, break and fall off. Go slow and before you know it you will get lost in what you are creating as the wheel keeps spinning with your hands getting in sync with the clay. Google Potter’s Nod and you will know what we are talking about.
They offer classes for all ages. Weekends are for ‘play with clay’ with 4 to 14 year olds while weekdays are for ages 15 years and above. Looking for a unique birthday party idea for your little one? Or hosting a playdate or a tea party and not sure how to keep your guests occupied? How about a fun pottery workshop organised by Manjari Kanoi’s Studio? Don’t worry about the mess because they even promise to clean up thoroughly afterwards.