Samprati Sharma got two of her tattoos from a freelance tattoo artist who came home to do it. Himgauri Wakle, suggested to her by her friends, is now her go-to tattoo artist.
Recommended because: Himgauri is receptive, friendly and has a calming affect while working with the needle (which can be daunting for many). Since she herself has a tattoo which she did on herself, she talks about her own experience to keep you distracted and engaged while her needle does the magic. She has a firm hand, is gentle and follows up well checking up on the tattoo and if her instructions are being followed or not. In fact, since Samprati was confused about her design, Himgauri helped her design it as well.
Price: INR 3,500 for both tattoos in 2012 (subject to change as per the tattoo design)
Contact: 8451809176